Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Is the wife not happy with you filleting the catch in the kitchen sink?

Then here's a trick I learned some years ago, and the best thing is all you need is some snap-lock bags and a bucket of water - Tip from Michael our Operations Manager

  1. Fillet the catch and cut into manageable portions
  2. Place them inside the snap-lock bag leaving the top open
  3. Fill a bucket of water to near the top
  4. Place the bottom of the bag containing the fillets in the bucket of water, keeping it against the inside top edge of the bucket
  5. Gently submerge the bag down the side of the bucket pushing the air out from around the fillets - the air will naturally escape from the top of the bag due to the water pressure 
  6. Continue the process until all the air is removed 
  7. All you do then is snap the bag up while maintaining pressure against the side of the bucket

Give it a go next time you have some fillets needing freezing, the results, one happy wife and great tasting fish.

So, put snap-lock bags on the list next time you visit the supermarket.
Every boat should have at least one box on board as this is not the only great use for them.

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