Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas

It is hard to believe that another year has flown by and the holiday season is upon us again. 

I know we all say the same thing at this time of the year and that is "where has the year gone..". Well it has gone, and now it is time to look forward to a break, catch up with family and friends and hopefully enjoy some fabulous time on the water. 

Walking around the marina's it is a hive of activity as people are getting their boats ready for their annual cruise. It is almost like we are bears in hibernation over the winter, with minimal use of our boats and not to much maintenance being done. Once Labour weekend hits and we get a few sunny weekends it is a whole different story and everybody has a list of important jobs to do. The service guys are flat out and I have seen more than one flustered owner chasing down spare parts, booking haul outs, and checking gear while casting a wary eye on the countdown to Christmas.

Hopefully you are all set, your boat has been serviced and she is ready to give you safe and trouble free cruising these holidays. Remember that cruising is a chance for you to slow down and enjoy the basics. Think of the other boaties out there, leave the city road rage onshore and have a fantastic and safe holiday.

From the team at Salthouse Next Generation we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and we look forward to talking with you in 2014 to discuss your next project, refit or new build.

Merry Christmas and best regards

Troy Woods