Friday, October 15, 2010

Fishing Update

YEH HA! The fish are here at last.
If you are north of Tiri in 30 to 40 metre's of water you may notice
on occasions some Corsair Cabriolets harvesting the bountiful snapper 
that have finally arrived.
Last Sunday we counted over 40 boats out deep, all half way from 
Tiri to Kawau clearly all enjoying rich reward.
We have been sneaking out for the last month and doing the same 
but it looks like the cat is out of the bag. YEH HA.

Snapper catchers have been working best for us although the squid Luranus jigs are also working (just not for us).
Last Friday we caught our quota in an hour resembling more of a smash and grab raid as that was all the time we had. So get out there and into it! Days like that are few and far between and it’s so much fun for friends and family.

I love to take non boaties who have never caught a fish out and telling them it’s always like this ha ha.

Happy boating, we would love to hear where the scallop’s are as the Iris shoal seem to have been wiped out by the dreaded fungi. Isn’t it amazing with all the TV programs about boarder security that there is no mention of the scallop annihilation.
Have you seen it?
It is like a mysterious growth that eats them from the inside out, like hollow fingers of a hand coming out of the shell. I first saw it appear in the mouth of the Mahurangi and it is slowly spreading north.

See you out there